THE REMOTE TEACHING EVENT: valorative perceptions of CERES’ Professors


  • Ilderlândio Assis de Andrade Nascimento Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Yasmin Rayane Mariz da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



CERES’ professors, Perceptions, Remote teaching, UFRN


The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus made the teaching institutions to adopt new connections and other postures in the teaching-learning process, what configured a temporary change in the alternative teaching model. In the specific case of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in the surch for means/strategies to try to deal with teaching-learning loss, it was adopted the remote teaching, with synchronous and asychronous classes. Therefore, it will be analyzed the advantages, disadvantages and professors’ valorizations of the Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó (CERES/UFRN) about the remote teaching. This research is of qualitative and interpretative approaches, in view of the comprehension and the explanation of data in their macro and microssocial contexto. As production data instrument, it will be used online questionnaries with opened-closed questions, in order to reach a representative number of collaborator professors. The results show some advantages besides different appreciations about remote teaching. The advantages presented take in account the lived reality by the professor, that is, they are points of view that consider their conditions of life. In the case of the disadvantages, on the contrary of the advantages, are perceived not in the perception of professors, but in the place of students, for, in what seems, the professors consider the reality expirienced by the students. In addition, the professors, in evaluating the remote teaching, considering the more general reality, that envolves socioeconomic, institucional and interactional aspects as well as that related to learning.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, I. A. de A., & Silva, Y. R. M. da. (2021). THE REMOTE TEACHING EVENT: valorative perceptions of CERES’ Professors. Open Minds International Journal, 2(3), 60–72.