
  • Lucília Teodora Villela de Leitgeb Lourenço Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul



Afro-American Literature, Black dialect, Racism, Segregation


This analysis called “Study of the Brazilian translation of the book “O Olho Mais Azul” accesses Cultural, Literary and Translation Studies in order to analyze the translation beyond the logocentric perspective, focusing on cultural manifestations expressed by the language. In this case study, attention will be focused on the voices of the book by American writer and Afro-descendant Toni Morrison, and how she challenges the white, patriarchal, Protestant assumptions and Protestant criteria on which the cultural context of the United States is based. Our investigation takes as a starting point the linguistic plan in which Morrison chooses to use not only the cultured norm of the English language, but the Black English variant, a record that makes room for difference. In this study, the Brazilian translation of The Bluest Eye in Portuguese O Olho Mais Azul by Manuel Paulo Ferreira is the target of analysis from a culturalist perspective.


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How to Cite

LOURENÇO, L. T. V. de L. (2020). THE AFRO-AMERICAN LITERATURE. Open Minds International Journal, 1(3), 183–191.



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