Films; Subtitles; Spanish culture; Self-taught.Abstract
The main objective of this article is to analyze the role of the legend as a tool used by Brazilian self-taught people interested in learning the Spanish language through subtitled films played by streaming channels in Brazil. For this, it is based on authors such as, Diaz (2012), Jude (2019), Oliveira e Silva (2022), among other scholars, to contextualize the specific objectives as: analyze the importance of streaming channels as a cultural bridge, investigate the learning methods used by users, study the impact of subtitles on self-taught Spanish learning and map myths and truths related to self-learning. A qualitative research methodology of the bibliographic type was used, through the review of academic papers, theses and articles on the chosen topic. It was concluded that although sometimes the captions are not totally faithful to what the characters say, this tool is important not only to bring Brazilians closer to the Spanish language and culture, but also as an effective resource for self-taught learning.
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