Teaching of SFL (Spanish as a Foreign Language); Short Film; Lesson Plan; Cinema.Abstract
The present article aims to propose the use of the short film Migrante (2021), by Ezequiel Dalinger and Daniel Iezzi, as a pedagogical tool for teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). The proposal encompasses the promotion of the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It aims to encourage students' critical thinking about the theme of immigration and the linguistic diversity within this context. Based on this direction, our discussions are focused on specific objectives: i. Exploring immigration culture narratives in Latin American countries; ii. Promoting the four linguistic skills along with identity reflections; iii. Stimulating students' critical thinking; and iv. Presenting a lesson plan based on the short film. The research is grounded in key scholars, including Moraes (2023), Freitas (2008), and Cugik and Ignaczuk (2015), among other theorists that support our voices. The adopted method is bibliographic research combined with a qualitative approach based on a literature review. The results of this work aim to develop a lesson plan that fosters critical reflection on immigration, which is an issue that transcends just Spanish speakers and resonates with the Latin American community as a whole, thus stimulating the learning of a foreign language and social dimensions.
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