Teaching for Children; English Language; Educational Method; Teaching Proposal.Abstract
This paper addresses the importance of a more specific study on English teaching for children from the socio-interactional perspective of the Montessori Method. Emphasis is placed on the need for practical experience in the classroom and internships so that the teacher in training understands the needs and dynamics of different age groups. A research gap is observed regarding the application of the Montessori Method to English language teaching for children at UEPB. The text underscores the significance of continuous development of innovative and effective pedagogical practices in language teaching, focusing on the autonomy and individual development of the student. The general objective is to examine the roles of the English language teacher aligned with the Montessori Method. The central research question is about the underlying roles that the teacher can play in this context. Objectives include theoretical considerations about English language learning as a second language, identification of the teacher's roles in the Montessori context, and the proposal of an innovative teaching approach based on Montessori Method materials. The adopted methodology is qualitative-interpretative, utilizing bibliographic research to deepen the understanding of the teacher's roles in the context of the Montessori Method.
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