THROUGH BAKHTINIAN LENSES: an analysis of the booktube comment as a responsive and responsible act


  • Márcia Helena de Melo Pereira Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Amanda Bonfim Silva Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Caroline Moreno Botelho Pereira Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
  • Vitória Helena Oliveira da Silva Universidade Estadual do sudoeste da Bahia
  • Maria Fernanda Silva Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia



Responsible act; Dialogism; Discursive genre of booktube comment


The emergence of media and social networks in the 21st century changed the way subjects interact and conceive the discursive practices in society. In this digital environment, we have watched the emergence of discursive genres, such as the booktube comment, which responds to the booktube genre. For this reason, we chose YouTube as the environment for analysis, given that it publishes the booktube genres and, consequently, the booktube comment, with the aim of understanding how the booktube comment genre is configured and how it is constituted as a responsive and responsible act, also observing the ways in which it reveals the responsibility that each subject assumes in the world. To do this, we used the theoretical foundations of Bakhtin (2011), regarding the concepts of dialogism, the responsive and responsible act and architectonics. We also rely on the contributions of Santos (2018), regarding the materialization of the online comment genre. For that reason, we adopted the methodology of screenshots of a booktube comment with a total of three rejoinders. The results indicate that the booktube comment requires the subject to be active and responsible in coordinating the voices present in the statements within the digital environment. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated the responsive nature of this discursive genre, as the online comment emerges as a link in the discursive chain of statements.


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How to Cite

Melo Pereira, M. H. de, Bonfim Silva , A. ., Pereira, C. M. B., Silva, V. H. O. da, & Silva, M. F. (2024). THROUGH BAKHTINIAN LENSES: an analysis of the booktube comment as a responsive and responsible act. Open Minds International Journal, 5(2), 33–43.