Narrative, Beliefs, Trajectory, Formation, Spanish as an Additional LanguageAbstract
In this article, we will present a narrative that analyzes the beliefs, dialogisms, and memories that permeate the (re)construction of the identity of a Spanish teacher in initial formation. Therefore, this research is affiliated with Applied Linguistics (AL). We commence with the retrieval and writing of scenes from my life story, highlighting the formative trajectory in and through the Spanish language. Subsequently, we engage in reflective readings to build the theoretical foundation, following the suggested methodology of narrative research, guided by a qualitative-ethnographic literature review. This work provides a panoramic understanding of some beliefs and experiences with the language. With the aim of granting the teacher in training an opportunity for critical reflection on their historicity, beliefs, memories, and intuitions that led to the choice of Spanish as an additional language, weaving articulations of the learner's path. This allowed the identification of dialogical influences, potential, and challenges presented in this journey of constructing the 'teacher self’.
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