Hypertext, Linkage, Hypertextuality, Journalism Education, Journalism TrainingAbstract
This study approaches the relevance for journalism students in understanding the concept, characteristics, and functions of hypertext. Taking into consideration that students will be inserted in the labor market, they must know how to deal with the variety, amount of information, and technological resources produced in the workplace. Thus, the paper aims to verify the knowledge journalism students have about multimedia and hypertextuality. This exploratory research was based on a mediated learning experience with 40 students attending the course of Multimedia practices in Journalism at the Estácio de São Luís University. Major results pointed to the fact that although the students understand the basic concepts about hypertext, in what concerns technical specifications and practical issues of hypertexts implementation, it is a process that is poorly understood. Given the fact it is a mediated learning study, a workshop was held to reinforce student’s knowledge about all the processes of using hypertext in journalism.
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