SCHOOL EDUCATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT: an analysis from High School Students and Teachers
Environmental Education, Public school, Teaching-LearningAbstract
Understanding that school is a socialization environment, where individuals are prepared not only for the job market, but mainly for life in society, also understanding environmental preservation as something extremely important in order to guarantee the survival of the current and for future generations, we decided to carry out this work, with which it was intended to know the attention given by teachers and students on Environmental issues. In this context, the present study aimed to investigate the way the environmental issue is dealt with in an educational institution in the city of Monteiro-PB. The study in question was an exploratory research with a qualitative and quantitative approach with content analysis technique. The work was carried out in a State High School in Monteiro-PB with students and with teachers of biology and geography of the classes of the 30 year “A” and “D” of high school, in a State School in the city of Monteiro-PB, Brazil. In this study it was found that the students' understanding of the concept of the Environment was fragile, superficial, not consistent with the learning of students in the 3rd year of high school. Therefore, even though students have access to information and are aware of their actions, they are not sensitized to put into practice what has been learned.
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