Inclusion, Diversity, Pedagogical practices, Anti-racistAbstract
This article presents the results of a research linked to a Research Project approved by the PPG/PROPESQ Notice No. 01/2019 - Support to Emerging Groups for the Creation of Graduate Programs. The objective was to carry out a diagnosis of inclusive anti-racist pedagogical practices in school contexts of basic education in the region of Seridó/RN. This is a qualitative exploratory research, with the participation of sixteen schools from different cities in Seridó/RN that answered two online questionnaires. One of the questionnaires was sent to the coordinators of educational institutions, where a response was obtained from fifty professors. In addition to analyzing the responses to the questionnaires, the discussions in this text are based on Law 10.639/2003 and the National Plan for the Implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and for the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture (BRAZIL, 2009). The results indicate the absence of specific studies that favor the inclusion of anti-racist pedagogical practices in the investigated context; therefore, they present the need to offer postgraduate courses that offer information/knowledge for a better understanding of racism, the History of Africa, Afro-Brazilian Cultures and the trajectories of black social movements.
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