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This study aims to problematize the situation of languages of minority immigrants from Brazil such as Arabic, German, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Polish and Ukrainian, assuming that these languages cannot be taught in schools, However, we cannot include our curricula, two years finalized in fundamental and middle classes, to attend the orientation of English Language as a frank language, which becomes the only curricular component of foreign languages legally possible for schools, in accordance with the Law of Lines of Direction and Bases of the Education 9394/1996, that instituted the National Base Curricular Comum. We anchor our arguments on the theoretical-analytical contribution of the Cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) in an interface with a Glotopolitical perspective, seeking to understand what is necessary to maintain and expand plurilingual activities in schools of Brazil. As a result, in the face of new determinations of the teaching of foreign languages in the school, we consider that there are new challenges covered by Applied Linguistics and Education that can arise as new educational regulations, and in what way it is possible to intervene in policy questions. National linguistics that affects education, outlining monolingual practices in school.
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