Teaching, Foreign Languages, Lexicon, Teacher's FormationAbstract
The objective of this article is to describe the extension course “Lexical studies and their application on foreign language teaching”, carried out online and promoted by the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE), in 2020. The main objective was to present different aspects of the lexical studies that can be used in the classroom. As a theoretical reference, fundamental authors for the area were used, such as Biderman (1998, 2001a, 2001b), Barbosa (1990), Celani (1998), and Duran (2004, 2007), as well as some complementary authors for the theme of each module. Thus, the article describes the organization of the course, its development and analysis of results, based especially on a questionnaire that was applied at the end of the modules. Most of the participants of the course pointed out, on their contributions, that they had not a theoretical-methodological basis about the lexical studies yet, to work with the teaching of foreign languages. In conclusion, the participants stated that their expectations were met, and also mentioned that they intend to use the activities proposed by the teachers of the course in their teaching practices.
Keywords: Teaching; Foreign Languages; Lexicon; Teacher’s Formation
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