
  • Felipe Dias de Albuquerque Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Moabe Breno Ferreira Costa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Personal Marketing, Branding, Brand, Personal Branding


The article highlights the importance of personal marketing for the management of branding as a competitive lead, with an emphasis on its contribution to the construction of the personal brand and its appropriation by the corporation. The main objective is to discuss how branding strategy can strengthen the brand as an advantage. The work represents a qualitative research of descriptive and bibliographic character, based on 14 previous scientific publications on the subject. The strengthening of branding with the use of personal marketing was analyzed, as well as the importance of communication through digital media and its benefits for professionals and for the organization. It is considered that personal marketing converts competitiveness and positioning into gains and it facilitates the entry of professionals in the job market. Above all, it is becoming more and more important due to the high demand of the contemporary market. In this context, branding strategies are important for the spread of professionals' human and cultural values and their adaptations to the organization's brand, contributing to the development of innovative processes in the relationship between organization and citizens.


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How to Cite

ALBUQUERQUE, F. D. de, & COSTA, M. B. F. (2020). BRANDING MANAGEMENT THROUGH PERSONAL MARKETING TECHNIQUES. Open Minds International Journal, 1(3), 158–170.



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