Reflective training, Autonomous teacher, Teaching practiceAbstract
This study seeks to highlight the importance of investigating the teaching performance, reflecting on the theme, with the aim of pointing out the dynamics and the rupture around the theme autonomy. The objectives of the study end up being part of the discussion that goes through teaching over the years, the dichotomy between training and practice, and how both can actually walk together, so that there is an educator more prepared to face an environment as diverse as the classroom. This research is justified to the extent of the legacy of information that this study presents. The information obtained will contribute in a satisfactory way to the maturity of the existing relationships within the school context that involves the teaching practice. The methodology used was the bibliographic review in the perspective of the qualitative type approach, with the purpose of deepening the knowledge about the theoretical assumptions that underlie the pedagogical productions by the reflection around the teacher’s training and practice. Among the conclusions reached, the importance of resuming the thought of formation from practice, giving a voice to educators in the formulation of this formation, since often, their perspectives are forgotten in time, and these school actors fail to make their contribution to understanding the Brazilian school reality.
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