Critical-reflective practice; Beliefs; Teacher education; Supervised internship.Abstract
The initial training of English language teachers is a multifaceted process, encompassing theoretical and practical knowledge development and critical reflection on the beliefs and assumptions that influence their educational practices. In this context, critical-reflective practice stands out as a promising pedagogical approach. This research aims to explore how critical-reflective practice helps student-teachers free themselves from limiting beliefs during the supervised internship period. The study also investigates the role of this practice in guiding future teachers, with a focus on internship reports from 2014 to 2017. Methodologically, it employs a qualitative-documentary approach, analyzing experience reports produced by interns. The theoretical framework draws on the works of scholars such as Bakhtin, Barcelos, Dewey, Ellis, Freire, Harmer, and Schön, exploring topics like beliefs, reflection, active learning, and foreign language teaching. This research highlights the challenges faced by trainee teachers and their reflective processes within the English language teaching and learning context.
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