The Southern Pantanal: a semiotic analysis of the screen Boiada/Travessia by Peninha


  • Neide Araújo Castilho Teno Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso Do Sul - UEMS/Dourados/Campo Grande
  • Évelyn Coelho Paini Webber Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS)



Pantanal; Plastic Semiotics; Painting.


The Pantanal, in Brazil, runs through the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and is home to several species of birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and plants, some of which are even at risk of extinction, such as the hyacinth macaw, the dorado, the giant anteater and the jaguar, to name but a few. However, the Pantanal is not restricted to its diversity of fauna and flora, as there is a people there who also bear its marks, for example, the peão pantaneiro, with customs that represent Pantanal culture and make up the culture of the state of Mato Grosso, through food (arroz carreteiro), drink (the traditional tereré), the use of plants and devotion to the saints. There is also another aspect of Mato Grosso culture that is influenced by the Pantanal: art. There are many visual artists who have founded the artistic identity of Mato Grosso do Sul with their canvases and sculptures, bringing unique aspects of the Pantanal, the Pantanal man and/or the indigenous peoples who occupy this area. We therefore set out to analyze the canvas entitled Boiada/Travessia by Marlene Mourão Mar from the perspective of plastic semiotics (Floch, 1985) in order to reconstruct the meanings and highlight aspects of Pantanal culture.


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How to Cite

Teno, N. A. C. ., & Webber, Évelyn C. P. (2024). The Southern Pantanal: a semiotic analysis of the screen Boiada/Travessia by Peninha. Open Minds International Journal, 5(2), 4–16.