INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND WELL-BEING: contributions of Classical Utilitarian THOUGHT to the Functionalist Theory of International Relations


  • Guilherme Fenício Alves Macedo Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Cristina Carvalho Pacheco Universidade Estadual da Paraiba
  • Lucas Ribeiro Mesquita Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana



International Relations Theory; Functionalism; Classical Utilitarianism; International Institutions.


This article aims to explore the ontological influence of the assumptions and concepts of classical utilitarianism on the functionalist theory of International Relations (IR). An exploratory essay discussion is proposed here, with the heuristic single case study model as the research strategy through non-systematic Literature Review, structured in three moments. At first, classical utilitarianism is presented as an important and influential ethical-philosophical school of thought in the Anglophone world in the 19th century. Subsequently, the functionalist theory of IR is contextualized as a heterodox current in the studies of cooperation and regional integration. Finally, the presence of utilitarian definitions and assumptions in the conceptual framework of the functionalist theory of IR is discussed. It is argued, therefore, that the influence of classical utilitarian thought on the functionalist perspective of IR corresponds to two key assumptions: (i) emphasis on the maximum well-being liquidity of national political communities in areas or cross-cutting issues addressed by institutionalized cooperation; (ii) and the technocratic and functional instrumentalization of international institutions as the main means to achieve a high level of utility.


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How to Cite

Macedo, G. F. A. ., Pacheco, C. C., & Mesquita, L. R. (2024). INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND WELL-BEING: contributions of Classical Utilitarian THOUGHT to the Functionalist Theory of International Relations. Open Minds International Journal, 5(1), 147–157.