ANALYSIS OF MULTIMODAL RESOURCES: exploring the advertising genre


  • Neide Araújo Castilho Teno UEMS
  • Elza Sabino da Silva Bueno Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso Do Sul - UEMS/Dourados/Campo Grande



Multimodality. Construction of meaning. Genres Textual advertisement.


This text is related to a research project entitled “(Multi) Literacies and Textual and/or Discursive Genres: contributions to language teaching and learning in digital times”, involving textual genres from the digital environment, language teaching and the presence of multimodality as resources available in the digital culture. The cut we made for this writing involves advertising linked in digital media that, in addition to the presence of written language, presents multiple semioses, demanding a different look at the reading of linguistic, contextual, imagery and digital resources. Thus, the purpose of this article is to explore aspects of multimodality in the reading of texts in the digital environment. From the perspective of the interactional view of language, the foundations for the analysis of the text were linked in Monte Mór (2017) , and in the theories of the multimodality theory of Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006[1996]), Kalantzis, Cope and Pinheiro (2020), Marcuschi, (2004) that teach about textual genres and their functionality, among others. It is, therefore, a qualitative-interpretative study as we analyze and interpret utterances as well as analyze the link between the content and the visual-verb of utterances in multimodal texts.


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How to Cite

TENO, N. A. C., & BUENO, E. S. da S. . (2023). ANALYSIS OF MULTIMODAL RESOURCES: exploring the advertising genre. Open Minds International Journal, 4(1), 116–128.