
  • Kátia Regina Lopes Costa Freire Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Daniele Pereira Brandão Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Diversity, Teacher training, Inclusion


This article presents the analysis of aspects related to the training of teachers and coordinators of the basic education network in the Seridó region, covering 25 municipalities and their respective schools. It is a qualitative research of exploratory and descriptive character, which used the application of questionnaires with the teaching staff of these institutions, addressing questions about their training as a professional and their difficulties when teaching in contexts of diversity and inclusion. The main theoretical references used were Lobo (2008), Nunes (2001) and Rodrigues and Rodrigues (2011). One of its objectives is to identify the training and qualification needs of basic education teachers who work in contexts of diversity and the intention to create a Stricto senso postgraduate program in the area of Education and diversity, at the Higher Education Center (CERES/UFRN) Campus Caicó - RN. Emphasizing then, the need for specific courses in the area of education that address the inclusive perspective and the performance in contexts of diversity, and how much this training benefits not only education professionals, but all other individuals inserted in this perspective.


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How to Cite

Freire, K. R. L. C., & Brandão, D. P. (2021). MAPPING THE TRAINING OF BASIC EDUCATION TEACHERS WHO WORK IN DIVERSITY CONTEXTS IN THE SERIDÓ-RN REGION. Open Minds International Journal, 2(3), 33–47. Retrieved from